Bible Classes

Bible Classes

Displaying 76 - 100 of 142

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
06/09/24 Evangelism - Lesson 3 Coy Baldwin Able to Teach Others Also Sunday Bible Study 06092024_-_Evangelism_Tools_-_Lesson_3.mp3
06/05/24 Evangelism - Lesson 2 Coy Baldwin Able to Teach Others Also Wednesday Bible Study Evangelism_-_Q3_2024_-_Lesson_2.pdf 06052024_-_Evangelism_Lesson_2.mp3
06/02/24 Evangelism - Lesson 1 Coy Baldwin Able to Teach Others Also Sunday Bible Study 06022024_-_Evangelism_-_Lesson_1.mp3
05/29/24 Matthew - Review Coy Baldwin The Gospel of Matthew Wednesday Bible Study Matthew_-_Q2_2024_-_Lesson_26.pdf 05292024_-_Matthew_Review.mp3
05/26/24 Matthew - 28 Coy Baldwin The Gospel of Matthew Sunday Bible Study Matthew_-_Q2_2024_-_Lesson_25.pdf 05262024_-_Matthew_28.mp3
05/22/24 Matthew - 27 Coy Baldwin The Gospel of Matthew Wednesday Bible Study Matthew_-_Q2_2024_-_Lesson_24.pdf 05222024_-_Matthew_27.mp3
05/19/24 Matthew 26 Coy Baldwin The Gospel of Matthew Sunday Bible Study 05192024_-_Matthew_26.mp3 Matthew_-_Q2_2024_-_Lesson_23.pdf
05/15/24 Matthew 24-25 Coy Baldwin The Gospel of Matthew Wednesday Bible Study Matthew_-_Q2_2024_-_Lesson_22.pdf 05122024_-_Matthew_24-1715872102.mp3
05/12/24 Matthew - 24 Coy Baldwin The Gospel of Matthew Sunday Bible Study Matthew_-_Q2_2024_-_Lesson_21.pdf 05122024_-_Matthew_24.mp3
05/08/24 Matthew 22-23 Coy Baldwin The Gospel of Matthew Wednesday Bible Study Matthew_-_Q2_2024_-_Lesson_20.pdf 05082024_-_Matthew_22-23.mp3
05/05/24 Matthew 21-22 Coy Baldwin The Gospel of Matthew Sunday Bible Study Matthew_-_Q2_2024_-_Lesson_19.pdf 05052024_-_Matthew_21-22.mp3
05/01/24 Matthew 19-20 Coy Baldwin The Gospel of Matthew Wednesday Bible Study Matthew_-_Q2_2024_-_Lesson_18.pdf 05012024_-_Matthew_19-20.mp3
04/28/24 Matthew - 18-19 Coy Baldwin The Gospel of Matthew Sunday Bible Study 04282024_-_Matthew_18-19.mp3 Matthew_-_Q2_2024_-_Lesson_17.pdf
04/24/24 Matthew - 17 Coy Baldwin The Gospel of Matthew Wednesday Bible Study Matthew_-_Q2_2024_-_Lesson_16.pptx 04242024_-_Matthew_17.mp3
04/21/24 Matthew - 16 Coy Baldwin The Gospel of Matthew Sunday Bible Study Matthew_-_Q2_2024_-_Lesson_15.pdf 04212024_-_Matthew_16.mp3
04/17/24 Matthew - 15 Coy Baldwin The Gospel of Matthew Wednesday Bible Study Matthew_-_Q2_2024_-_Lesson_14.pdf 04172024_-_Matthew_15.mp3
04/15/24 Matthew - 14 Coy Baldwin The Gospel of Matthew Sunday Bible Study Matthew_-_Q2_2024_-_Lesson_13.pptx 04142024_-_Matthew_14.mp3
04/07/24 Matthew - 12 Coy Baldwin The Gospel of Matthew Sunday Bible Study 04072024_-_Matthew_12.mp3 Matthew_-_Q2_2024_-_Lesson_11.pdf
04/03/24 Matthew - 10-11 Coy Baldwin The Gospel of Matthew Wednesday Bible Study Matthew_-_Q2_2024_-_Lesson_10.pdf 04032024_-_Matthew_10-11.mp3
03/31/24 Matthew - 9-10 Coy Baldwin The Gospel of Matthew Sunday Bible Study Matthew_-_Q2_2024_-_Lesson_9.pdf 03312024_-_Matthew_9-10.mp3
03/27/24 Matthew - 8-9b Coy Baldwin The Gospel of Matthew Wednesday Bible Study Matthew_-_Q2_2024_-_Lesson_8.pdf 03272024_-_Matthew_809.mp3
03/24/24 Matthew - 8-9 Coy Baldwin The Gospel of Matthew Sunday Bible Study Matthew_-_Q2_2-24_-_Lesson_7.pdf 03242024_-_Matthew_8-9.mp3
03/20/24 Matthew - 6-7 Coy Baldwin The Gospel of Matthew Wednesday Bible Study Matthew_-_Q2_2024_-_Lesson_6.pdf 03202024_-_Matthew_6-7.mp3
03/17/24 Matthew - 5 Richard McCollough The Gospel of Matthew Sunday Bible Study 03172024_-_Matthew_5_-_Richard.mp3
03/13/24 Matthew - 3-4b Coy Baldwin The Gospel of Matthew Wednesday Bible Study Matthew_-_Q2_2024_-_Lesson_4.pdf 03132024_-_Matthew_3-4b.mp3

Displaying 76 - 100 of 142

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